President Biden confirms Nigerian-born Ebong’s appointment as Trade Agency Director


President Biden confirms Nigerian-born Ebong’s appointment as Trade Agency Director

The United States President, Joseph Biden has confirmed a Nigerian, Ms Enoh Titilayo Ebong for the role of the Director of the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).

Ebong has served as the Acting Director of the agency since her appointment by Joe Biden in February 2021.

Prior to the appointment, she had served in a variety of roles in the agency between 2004 and 2019, including as the Agency’s General Counsel, and Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer.

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With her new role, Ebong is expected to lead the agency in partnering with the country’s private sector in order to develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in emerging economies.

According to Sahara Reporters, Ebong grew up in Lagos. Her father, Ime James Ebong, was a Nigerian civil servant who served as permanent secretary.

She practised law at the Boston office of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris and Popeo, P.C., representing public and private companies in public offerings, financing transactions, mergers and acquisitions.

She earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School, a master of arts in communication from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and a master of arts in History from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

In November 2020, Biden appointed Nigerian-born Adewale Adeyemo as deputy secretary of the treasury department.

He also appointed Funmi Olorunnipa Badejo into his cabinet as White House counsel, as well as Osaremen Okolo as a member of his COVID-19 response team.


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