‘My father impregnated me, aborted pregnancy,’ daughter tells court


Kwesi Dawood, plaintiff’s father

‘My father impregnated me, aborted  pregnancy,’ daughter tells court

The daughter of the Communications Director of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana’s Central Region has alleged that her father has been sleeping with her since 2019, got her pregnant, and aborted the pregnancy.

In a testimony at a Cape Coast Circuit Court, the victim, name withheld, said her father, Kwesi Dawood, forcibly had sex with her with the promise of him sending her abroad.

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She also disclosed that her father promised to send her abroad if she concealed their incest relationship, according to Pulse.

The GNA reports that she told the judge, Mrs. Dorinda Smith Arthur, that in 2019, her father lured her into his matrimonial home and informed her that he wanted to replace his love for her mother with her since their love could not last long.

She went on to tell the court on Oct. 27, that she declined a proposal to date him, but the accused ignored and forcibly had sexual intercourse with her in his matrimonial room at Agona-Swedru.

She also claimed that their last sexual act was in June, 2021 at Agona-Swedru.

Although Dawood pleaded not guilty to the charges of defilement, incest, illegal abortion and assault levelled against him, he was remanded by the court but later managed to secure bail at a higher court the following day.

“After the act, my father promised to send me abroad only if I did not disclose the ordeal to anyone, but if I did, he would make my life very miserable.”

“In 2020, I got pregnant but my father took me to Atta Mensah who is his friend to abort the pregnancy and I informed the school counsellor about it,” the daughter is quoted to have said.

She went on to tell the court that she fled after her father, upon finding out that she had informed the school counsellor, attacked and subjected her to severe beatings.

Kwesi Dawood is facing charges of incest. He allegedly has been sleeping with his daughter since 2019 when she was 15-years-old, leading to her getting pregnant.

“He then allegedly got his friend to administer an injection to terminate the pregnancy last year, and according to the victim, she bled for more than two weeks,” the Daily Graphic reported.

According to the accounts of the girl, she explained how badly hurt she has been by the act, vowing to seek justice at all cost.

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